Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Unable to update Order Product using Workflows in D365 CE

Here is a note for y'all, something to keep in mind when working with workflows in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (D365 CE).

You can create a workflow (i.e., initiate a workflow) on the following tables:
  • Opportunity Product
  • Quote Product
  • Order Product
But when you add a step to Update record within the workflow, you'll notice that you cannot update the above mentioned tables (entities). You can however update any of the related tables linked with these tables.

Add Price List Items too into the above mix. Can create a workflow based on this table, but cannot update Price List Item record using a workflow step.

I believe the workaround would be to use Power Automate flows instead of Workflows. I haven't tried this as yet, but I believe it is possible.

Hope it helps!