Friday, August 11, 2023

Error when qualifying Lead into Opportunity | D365 Sales

There could be many reasons and most of it could be found when you perform an online search, but none of those suggestions fixed my issue. When I was qualifying the Lead into an Opportunity, it is showing the following error:


And that is it. No other details about the error. No error log, not description of the error, no error code. Nothing!


My user didn't have system administrator, but a custom role was assigned to the user. I took some help from my technical team who did a little bit of digging and came across this below message.

Entered Microsoft.Dynamics.SCMExtended.Plugins.Plugins.LeadPrimaryContactPostCreate.Execute(), Correlation Id: 021c0dc2-3e1e-46e5-81c0-b1524ae09ed2, Initiating User: e7925424-1da4-ed11-aad1-002248a13b63

Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: Principal user (Id=xxxx5424-xxxx-ed11-xxxx-002248a1xxxx, type=8, roleCount=4, privilegeCount=1064, accessMode=0, MetadataCachePrivilegesCount=9751, businessUnitId=0b2c4b59-0e31-ee11-bdf4-000d3aba3d29), is missing prvReadSolution privilege (Id=b64e92c8-5d2a-4052-a026-1b73eff9cebf) on OTC=7100 for entity 'solution' (LocalizedName='Solution').

I provided a Read privilege to Solution table under; relevant Security Role > Customization > Solution, and it worked.

Hope it helps!